Sunday, 11 January 2015

The Book of Law is Discovered

For those who believe or don't believe in God, it is almost impossible to take time and pray to him, I know! You might say, "If God wants me to be saved then He will come in my sleep and slap me back to reality". Jesus Christ has invited you to start a new relationship with Him, however are you willing to accept His invitation?

To those who are young and will get married one day, what will you teach your children when you yourself don't have a relationship with The Almighty God and His son Jesus Christ. They will also be lost as you were. School fights, drugs, lost your virginity, disobeying the Ten commandments, list is endless...

For the sake of your good future and your children's and the next generations, take this big step now and make a difference in your life today. Look for God and His son Jesus Christ in your troubles, let him comfort you so when your children are alone they can call upon the same God whom comforted you. 

I will help you to open that door to welcome Almighty God through Jesus Christ. Believe in Him, your faith in HIS power will comfort you and protect you on your journey.

Always start your prayers by saying "Thank you for listening to my Prayers God through Jesus Christ". Following this, we have to totally give our body and spirit to Jesus Christ. I will help you point out the difference between body and spirit in prayer. On your day off from work, Fast between 6am and 6pm and you will understand true value of water and food. While you Fast, your body will be thirsty for a cold glass of water, belly making rumbling noises, your mind wants to distract you, "Go on Facebook page or take some  rest on your day off, watch  T.V while Fasting to keep you entertained. You have to make a sacrifice to know something great. While your body needs so much attention, your spirit only demands His attention, God's attention. Before you get into the next 20 minutes of your prayer, close your eyes and mediate on all those great memories You have witnessed, from childhood to now. This will help your spirit come closer to God through Jesus Christ.

* While you sit in prayers be true to yourself and confess all your sins from a smallest one to the biggest. Saying sorry means that we have acknowledged our wrong doings and are asking God to cleanse us from our sin. 

*Read one chapter from Bible everyday. Get a bible app on your phone 
But also buy a bible to keep one at home. 

*Give him the honour he deserves and he will give you the life you deserve, the everlasting life promised in John 3:16
          *Sit on the floor and pray, kneel and bow down in His presence. Remember you are in front of 
           God's throne. 

           *Always be on guard to help others, as the greatest commandment is to love our neighbour as   
            ourselves so be willing to share in their time of need and sorrow. Pray for others and Help 
            others and God will send help for you in your time of need.
*Each Deed will earn you favour in HIS eyes. So practice good deeds part as a of your daily lives. For instance, acts of kindness, helping others, visiting the sick, showing God's love. These are only a few of the many things we can to please God, and earn our rewards in heaven. 
*Look around the world and judge for yourself. If prayer helps you to come  closer to God then why don't you do it? If you think going to school, university, work or dropping £1 in a beggars cup can save your relationship with Jesus Christ then reality check, It is not !
          Only prayer can save us. Like any other relationship, communication is the key. God also    
          requires our time, He wants to speak to us through the Bible and ultimately He wants to be at the
          centre of our lives.
While in prayers Jesus Christ Revealed this message:

(2 kings 22. 13)

"As for the King himself, this is what I, the LORD God of Israel, say: You listened to what is written in the book, and you repented and humbled yourself before me, tearing your clothes and weeping , when you heard how I threatened to punish Jerusalem and its people. I will make it a terrifying sight, a place whose name people will use as a curse. But I have heard your prayer, and the punishment which I am going to bring on Jerusalem will not come until after your death. I will let you die in peace" 


Please Read: 2 King 22: 3-22 

May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all

Friday, 9 January 2015

Jerusalem After Its Fall

Lock yourself in your room, like you hide and sin then hide and pray. Those who don’t pray or don’t believe in God The Father and His Son Jesus Christ, he should put his Faith to test in prayer. The depths of your heart are empty only for him.

Those who read the message of The Mighty One should obey so that when your day comes for your judgment he will point his finger to you and say I did send help but you my Dear child did not have time to follow, WHY? 

I say,how blind are we? When we saw our parents and grandparents and heard our ancestors call on His Holy name after the day of hard work.Then how can we forget! Are we too dumb or too educated of earthly books that we forget the knowledge and its fruits which are given by the One Who Made the Universe. 

Pray, Ask forgiveness for your sins and live in good deeds. Our God our father gave the life of Jesus Christ his son for us, if we knew how to love, Christ wouldn't have died a horrible death. Christ suffered a death by the hands of Evil. Love gives life and Evil takes it away. Evil and sinful nature nailed Jesus Christ to the cross thus and evil in our hearts will destroy our relationship with God and his son Jesus. We have come from the kingdom of the One who gives life and its purpose. 

I understand to defeat Evil in your heart is not a one day journey for it has walked with you for a long time. 

We must get rid of all things that makes our lives evil. As humans we have our own battles, we fight daily a good fight to feed our bellies to fulfil our earthly desires. So why do we not try to fight a stronger battle for God purpose? Don’t not walk in Sin and then let HIM reward you for being obedient. You are the light of the World, where there is sin there is darkness. Where there is light, there is life! Only those who walk with christ, shine like the brightest stars!

I don’t know the time or the date when Jesus christ will return, but this i am sure about that he has started his mission to save his chosen people. 

When seeking todays message in prayer, the Word of God was given to me:

(Lamentations 4. 21-22

Laugh on, people of Edom and Uz;

Be glad while you can. 

Your disaster is coming too; you too will stagger naked in shame.

Zion has paid for her sin; the LORD will not keep us in exile any longer.

But Edom, the LORD will punish you he will expose your guilty deeds.


Please read the all Verse Lamentations (4.1-22)

May the grace of Lord Jesus be with all of you. 



Tuesday, 6 January 2015

A Cry of Anguish and a Song of Praise

I lost my motivation to pray since the age of 15, I became more involved with college, work and life. I wondered what if I didn’t get lost and always followed his laws and the Stories of Abraham,King David, Mosses,Joseph and Jacob are true examples of his Powers and Promises. I was too young to understand what these stories meant and when the time came for me to understand, earthly things took over and my spirit was lost. But our God still showed me mercy maybe because I kept calling him in times of trouble and my deeds kept me safe in his presence. 

Praying Again was re-building my lost relationship with God through Jesus Christ. In my prayers I would start crying like a new born baby because I felt helpless, because I needed help, because I was a sinner, I didn’t have answers to my problems. You have all the answers God, "I am only an immigrant, a refuge on Earth help me Jesus Christ so I can safely return to the house of my King, my God and his son Jesus Christ". 

There is no set pattern to pray. Some people close their eyes and instantly see God's light through their faith in Jesus Christ.  

In prayers we have to forget all our earthly thoughts and problems (for He saw us grow in our mother's womb, who lives in you, knows you; through your love for others He will shine in you because hate is evil and Love is God). While you pray your mind will interfere and it will distract you with earthly thoughts ( you might start thinking about someone else, holiday, gym, evil thoughts etc). To understand the purpose of Lord we have to commit ourself to LORD in prayers with our body and spirit one.'

I Requested Jesus christ to give his message from bible so this blog can be completed. 

The message was from
(Psalms 22. 22-24 )

Praise him, you servants of the LORD!

Honor him, you desecendent of Jacob! 

Worship him, you people of Israel!

He does not neglect the poor or ignore their suffering;

he does not turn away from them,

But answers when they call for help”


Always Start your prayers with saying “Thank you God for listening to my prayers through Jesus Christ” 


Give 5 minutes in prayers to ask Jesus Christ to forgive all your sins, confess all your sins to Lord( In a way you remind yourself so you are aware not to sin again ).

Give 5 minutes to sing a song of Praise in his Glory. 

Give 5 minutes to read from Bible ( Start with Revelation ). 

Give 5 minutes to thank Him for all His blessings He has given you. 

 This format of prayer has helped me come closer to The Most High God and His Son Jesus Christ and I have faith in Him that He will reveal himself to you.

"I don't know how you came to be here but I'm glad that you made it. Maybe you knew exactly what you were coming to, or you are trying to work out whats happening, but I want to say you're in the right place. No matter whats going on in your world,no matter whether things are great, or if you're honest life is really tough at the moment."(Prayer:Hillsong United)

I believe today your life can change forever because these scriptures that your are reading, are not just random words. These are the words of The Living God. We're not worshipping a "dead God or a distant God or a dormant God, but the God of life, God of truth, the everlasting Father, the ever faithful and the ever present King. (Prayer:Hillsong United)

"He never lets go of us and thats what true love is all about; without Him we are nothing! But because He is with us, anything is possible"(Prayer-Hillsong United)

Let your hearts be open to what God wants you to do wherever He has placed you; at your school, university, workplace. Always be willing to testify the great things He done for you! Give all Glory and Honour to Jesus; the name above all names.



(Go on to our facebook page to find a link to songs of praise and ask questions, tell others how you felt while praying so we can all help each other on his path of Glory)

Sunday, 4 January 2015

The Sorrows of Jerusalem

I have my own life story like every child of God. But my purpose here is not to talk about me but Jesus Christ, has given me the mission to call his chosen people.

After committing my life to Jesus Christ, I knew that I had a great purpose in His Kingdom. So I prayed to God to give me a message for His children, "How do I get people's attention Lord?"
And so I received these scriptures as an answer to my question.
This is for everyone of us to read, and once you read it you will understand what God's purpose is in each one of your lives and how you can fulfil it.

So here is the answer I received:

The Parable of the Wedding Feast(Matthew 22.1-14)

"Jesus again used parables in talking to the people. The kingdom of heaven is like this. Once there was king who prepared a wedding feast for his son. He sent his servants to tell the invited guests to come to the feast, but they did not want to come.
So he sent other servants with this message for the guests. "My feast is ready now; my bullocks and prize calves have been butchered and everything is ready. Come to the wedding feast! but the invited guests paid no attention and went about their business: one went to his farm, another to his shop. While others grabbed the servants, beat them and killed them. The king was very angry; so he sent his soldiers, who killed those murderers and burnt down their city. Then he called his servants and said to them. 'My wedding feast is ready, but the people I invited did not deserve it. Now go to the main streets and invite to the feast as many people as you find.'
So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, good and bad alike; and the wedding was filled with people.
"The king went in to look at the guests and saw a man who was not wearing wedding clothes. 'Friend, how did you get in here without wedding clothes?' the king asked him. but the man said nothing. Then the king told the servants 'Tie him up hand and foot, and throw him outside in the dark. there he will cry and grind his teeth.' "
And Jesus concluded, "Many are invited, but few are chosen. "

We have to remember that "Few are chosen" because of their faith in Jesus Christ, (whosoever believes in the God the Father, believes in the Son). We think through our earthly ways, see things with our earthly eyes but the Lord has bigger plans for His children.

So do not hesitate to walk on this journey with Him and if you follow the path He has laid out before you, not only will you receive blessings on earth but the greatest treasures of all in Heaven.

While I was seeking God, I had very little understanding of how to pray, but fellowshipping with Christ changed my spiritual life. It is through prayer that I connect to the Holy Spirit and God reveals himself to me. Christ taught me how to pray so that He can live in me and now I want to share my experiences with you all, which I believe may help you in your every day walk with God. He is waiting for you to invite him in your lives and above all to live in your hearts.

Through this page, you will receive Gods Word which will help you get closer to Christ. God has chosen me to deliver this promise to you. It is not by coincidence that you are reading this message. It is God's divine will for you. Today is the day- Mark 1:15 “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” God has promised to reveal himself to you, so cast your eyes on Him and let him transform your life now.

Blessings to you all,